...and we’ll take the sun in the morning...
úterý 30. srpna 2011
We feel that it's just us against all of them
"We come from pretty diverse music experiences but in school we found out that we all had the Beatles in common, as opposed to all the rest that were in to metal. That's how we begun creating our own universe. We only had each other and got very close. We're still very close and sometimes we feel that it's just us against all of them."
Gustaf Norén
Lee mis labios por la noche
Awesome news for Spanish fans. Mando will come to Spain again. Seems like they love this country;-) This time MD will play in wonderful city Barcelona at Acció Music festival!
Get more informations here!
So be there 24. September 2011!
sobota 27. srpna 2011
I am ready for the purple fall
Behind the scenes from NRJ live session with Mando Diao... (pretty old stuff)...
pátek 26. srpna 2011
Take another step
I know this blog is about Mando Diao, anyway Carl Norén is very much connected to this band, so I´d like to dedicate this post to the latest interview with this guy, actually very interesting one who reveals how much special Carl Norén is. The whole interview you can read on the Sugarplum Fairy blog. I´m gonna post just my favourite part. It´s worth reading, definitely.
What are your plans for the future?
- I've got new plans all the time. Always trying to come up with things I can do. If you would have asked me ten years ago if I would still be making music today, I would have said no, probably not. I might have said that I would have a family and living abroad or be studying to be an engineer. But that's not the way it turned out. So let's see what happens. Maybe I'll graduate master in literature and start reviewing books.
- I think that for each door you can open, there are ten more to open. The way of life gets painted one piece at a time and you never know where you will end up.
It’s such a shame I’m wasting all my talent
Together with the autumn TOUR there is a brand new competition on mandodiao.com. Photo competition of the best photo from October concert of Mando Diao. So if you feel like good photographer, go here to find more about it! :) And good luck!
Driving around
TOUR REMINDER! For those who still don´t own a ticket to one of the October Unplugged concerts here goes list of possible dates. Unfortunatelly the concerts in Zurich, Oberhausen (standing area) and Frankfurt are SOLD OUT! (wow!), so you´d better hurry up and buy one! AND they will have NEW setlist!
4. October - Munich/Zenith
5. October - Zurich/Komplex 457
7. October - Oberhausen
8. October - Frankfurt
9. October - Zurich/Komplex 457
11. October - Luxemburg/Rockhal
Tickets buy here on eventim...
Will always find a salty sea
I missed writing to my blog so much that now I feel I'm bound to fly just because I´m able write here again:) And I miss Mando Diao so much. Lack of their concerts is horrible and painful. Peace & Love somewhere in distant and unknown future...missing Borlänge every day, every minute. Travelling there was one of the best things that ever happened in my life, but now I´m not there, at least physically. So let´s see what is happening with Mando Diao now...
UPDATED: I´m not really sure Gustaf was part of this project...but anyway it´s nice song and great idea, so enjoy it. And read more about it in Swedish on the very same page.
UPDATED: I´m not really sure Gustaf was part of this project...but anyway it´s nice song and great idea, so enjoy it. And read more about it in Swedish on the very same page.
Gustaf was one of those who recorded a song dedicated to the huge catastrophe in Horne of Africa. The song is called Ringar På Vattnet and you can listen to it and watch it here...
More news to come!
neděle 14. srpna 2011
Don’t know why I…
Mando Diao the way they used to be: 18. 06. 2005 - Regensburg, Campus Invasion alias Down in the past (again).
sobota 13. srpna 2011
But you know, we just give it all, all we got
It's been said that your live shows are like going to Church for fans, why do you think that is?
Because we preach some kind of gospel. You can come as you are, dead or alive. If you're dead you will rise up, and if you're alive you will fall in love, and then eventually die of course, until the next set. But you know, we just give it all, all we got. We play every gig as it's our last, or our first, as if we have to get the brother who hates us, to go: OK, I give up. No sisters hates us though… But still, every show, every single time, we go in and we start from scratch.
I´m literally without speech after reading this... They said it all.
It stays exciting with Mando Diao
Pretty interesting news about the NEW album! Huge thanks to Isii loves MD for translating this part from german for the rest of the world! Sounds pretty great! Mando Diao can never bore you. They change every day in every possible way.
When will a new album be released?Björn: We have recorded then new songs now, for the first time they’re in Swedish. The lyrics are poems of the Swedish poet Gustaf Fröding who died in 1911, and who we really like. We have set our favorite poems of him to music. I think this new record will be released first, and after that as soon as possible the real new album. Gustaf and me write all the time since “Give Me Fire”, there are always new songs. It stays exciting with Mando Diao!
pátek 12. srpna 2011
Fem dagar av kärlek, budskap och musik
My article about Peace & Love festival in czech internet music magazin:) While writing this I realized that this edition was the 13th! What a great coincidence.
Link here - only in czech:) (odkaz na článek o Peace & Love)
I get excited by the moves you do (or did?)
Shock of the day. Björn´s hair are gone, hopefully not forever:) Changes, changes... I guess what will their new album like... or their Swedish album...or their Caligula project. I really wonder...
čtvrtek 11. srpna 2011
Cause we’ve got motown blood in our veins
Awesome version of Motown Blood acoustic from 2003... and few photos from Berlin and Borlänge gig.
And where they write
And again: time for some interesting sites about Mando Diao. Let´s go to France! For french speaking fans but also for the rest here goes one pretty wonderful site from French Citizens From Ochrasy. You won´t find there the latest news, anyway you´ll find there some interesting stuff from the past. As well as few links to another pages about MD. Enjoy!
Here goes the link.
úterý 9. srpna 2011
All I have is a fucked up mind
This post is not gonna be about Mando Diao...which can be little bit confusing concerning the fact this site is absolutely and exclusively dedicated to Mando Diao (well maybe not that excslusively..). Anyway, this post is about another band from Borlänge in Sweden. The band called Goodlooking Trash. Let´s do some promotion to the band that definitely deserves attention. And because this band is actually a Borlänge band it´s not that rude to MD writing about them here:)
You can visit their homepage... unfortunately with not very much information there.
You can go to their MySpace and listen to their music. And of course you can download their album on amazon.
The special person that recommended to me this band, told me, they sounded little bit like Sugarplum Fairy..well, I let you judge. If you by any chance want to give me a hint what you think about this band, I´d be very happy to hear your opinion.
Enjoy and Peace&Love!
My mind's setting you on
Why you’re sent to me
Because I´m so into Down in the past mood I´m gonna post another old video from 2007. This time it´s Clean Town from Spain.One of the best songs ever written.
pondělí 8. srpna 2011
My love for you will rise up and sing
Four years ago something fatal (yeah, that´s the right word) happened. So today is a Special day. It was, back then, the best day of my life. I´d like to go back, very very much. Anyway here goes video from Mando Diao one and only performance in the Czech Republic. The fact that the only place they visited was Ostrava is again...awesome. (I come from this part of my country). Well, I wasn´t there unfortunatelly. I was somewhere else and Mando Diao catched me from the very first moment. And I still love you. Watching this video makes me realize how much I miss you! It´s been a while from your last concert. :) And even I know you will never read this post, please come to this silly small country again! That would be simply too good to be true...
neděle 7. srpna 2011
sobota 6. srpna 2011
Then I fall back to sleep again
I don´t really know why, probably there is no logical explanation, but Mando Diao is simply so powerful. They make your life better. And I´m somehow so proud and glad that I can be in this world in the same time as they are. That´s one of the things in my life I haven´t missed. I love Queen and adore Jack Kerouac, but I simply could not have been here when they lived. Mando Diao is happening now. And I´m here. I can go to their concerts, I can be the part of the history, of their history. This is actually something that makes me unbelievably happy in this life.
čtvrtek 4. srpna 2011
úterý 2. srpna 2011
I aim at the first one who’ll dare to stand still
Down in the past with Mando Diao interview from 2003 and 2005. New York and Seattle.
To trust its stories
Just a short video from Santander Music Festival. Björn and Gustaf appear right at the beggining. Handsome as always. Watch it here...
And while you´re enjoying Mando Diao music, don´t forget to vote fot the Song of the year - Down in the past (Mtv Unplugged) at RockBjörnen under this link...You can vote every day!
Vi är inte nöjda än
Něco málo o muži jménem Carl-Johan Fogelklou...
...jeho život se neskládá pouze z rock´n´rollu a turné s mezinárodně známou skupinou Mando Diao. Doma ve vile ve Frennap je neméně stejně důležitá jeho družka Maria Jankulov a jejich malá Emilia stará dva roky.
Když se Emilia před dvěmi lety narodila, začalo být pro CJ a Marii chaotické zůstávat usazený ve Stockholmu. Nějaký čas to trvalo než padl los na Halmstad a pár se potom v únoru usadil v idylickém domě ve Frennap.
- Moje rodina měla vždy velké pouto ke kraji Skåne a já sám jsem měl dlouho myšlenky na to, přestěhovat se jižněji do Švědska, říká Carl-Johan a pokračuje.
Helsingborg, Malmö nebo Halmstad, to nehrálo až tak velkou roli. Ale severněji než je Stockholm, to mě nenapadlo.
Když bylo stěhování v plném proudu, zkoušelo zrovna Mando Diao na živé DVD Mtv Unplugged.
- Byli jsme v polovině nabídek, ohromně stresující. Všechno trvalo tak dlouho, na to jsem nebyl zvyklý. Ve Stockholmu je všechno víc jasné.
Carl-Johan je jednou z velmi dobře známých tváří skupiny Mando Diao (pochopitelně:) ). Svou družku Marii Jankulov potkal v restauraci Debaser Slussen ve Stockholmu.
- Vlastně jsme se poznali trochu dřív. Ale bylo to až tam, kde jsme si začali, vypráví Carl-Johan.
- Nastěhovali jsme se k sobě téměř okamžitě potom, konstatuje Maria.
Nebyl to on, kdo trval na tom, že by se měli vrátit do města jejího dětství.
- Vždycky jsem si myslel, že člověk by se tam měl vrátit jako důchodce nebo tak, né dřív, říká s úsměvem.
- Ale je hrozně fajn mít pomoc s Emilii od přátel a příbuzných.
To, že nás od sebe odděluje devět let nikdy nebyl žádný problém. Potřeboval jsem něco úplně jednoduchého o co se postarat, žertuje CJ a dodává:
- Jako hudebník je důležité mít pevný bod. Chtěl jsem mít bezpečí s holkou, na kterou bych si mohl opravdu vsadit.
Když se Emilia narodila, bylo MD uprostřed intenzivního koncertování.
- Narodila se v srpnu, hned den potom, co jsme hráli v Rakousku. Napadlo nás samozřejmě, že moje místo může vzít Victor Norén, ale stejně bylo nepříjemné, že hraní MD kolidovalo s něčím, co jsem chtěl dělat, vypráví Carl.
Mando Diao je známé tím, že je jednou ze švédských nejnafoukanějších kapel a také pro své peprné citáty a drsný přístupe. Obraz, který sedí jejich charakteru i dnes.
V červenci hrála skupina na festivalu Peace & Love v Borlänge, festival přebil rekord s 50 000 návstěvníky.
- Měli jsme úžasné vystoupení taky v Německu na začátku léta. Bylo tam 70 000 a měli jsme poslední vystoupení za západu slunce. DWS v novém aranžmá jsme stihli před setměním.
Před deseti lety řekli kluci z Mando Diao, že až jim bude 30 let, chtěli by toho nechat. Ale nezdá se, že by bylo načase to položit.
- Vždy jsme měli velké vzory a vždy se snažíme být nejlepší. Ještě nejsme spokojení.
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