Only two more shows left and October tour will be over. Today in Zurich (again) and in two days in Luxembourg. Then, God knows.
Mando Diao are currently planning about three different projects, as far as I know, but not that I was so sure about it. There is a Swedish album made with lyrics by Swedish poet Gustaf Fröding. Caligola project and unknown Mando Diao album.
What I´d love to see is Mando Diao on Tout again. Or not a tour, maybe just small winter concerts, just a few. But concerts. More and more... don´t stop now.
Until now Mando Diao played in Munich, Zurich, Oberhausen and Frankfurt. Let me take your for a ride, far away from the reality...
Ok, let´s be honest. I´ve already written about this particular show. Anyway let´s look into the production office together. Here you can see Carlos - tour manager - working and loving Mando Diao from the bottom of the heart. He thinks Mando Diao is the best band ever. I do agree.
Ok, let´s be honest. I´ve already written about this particular show. Anyway let´s look into the production office together. Here you can see Carlos - tour manager - working and loving Mando Diao from the bottom of the heart. He thinks Mando Diao is the best band ever. I do agree.
What is also important to know is Carlos´ assistant Max from Luxembourg. Here you can meet him...
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