pátek 21. prosince 2012

Pracovali jsme tvrdě abychom se dostali tam kde jsme

Christmas present for you, especially for all czech and slovak fans! The new interview with Gustaf Norén from Open Air Panenský Týnec in the Czech Republic made by Vladimíra Galková. Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!

Máva umelec niekedy pochybnosti o tom, čo vytvoril?

Na jednej strane človek nemá žiadne pochybnosti. Keď tvorí hudbu, nepremýšľa príliš,  proste tvorí a je tým unesený. Nemyslí, ani sa nerozhoduje. Pochybnosti nesúvisia s procesom tvorenia hudby. Ale v momente,  kedy je song hotový, pochybnosti, samozrejme, sú. Nikdy nevieš, ako bude prijatý a čo s ním bude o päť rokov.

Riskuješ v hudbe?

Well, myslím si, že áno, ale nerobím to schválne. Nepriťahuje ma až tak veľmi hudba, ktorú robím. Rock ´n´ roll ma nepriťahuje tak ako jazz, blues, klasická hudba, hip hop, RnB,  soul, funk a disco. Toto sú štýly, ktoré su pre mňa atraktívnejšie. Rovnako folk, páči sa mi všetko od ruského folku po jamajský. Počúvam viac Hectora Lavoe, než Rolling Stones, Lil Wayn viac než Strokes, Erikah Badu viac ako napríklad Björk. Nie som si týmto riskovaním istý, ale prináša mi to odlišné hľadisko.

Pred dvomi rokmi vydali Mando Diao live album MTV Unplugged: Above and Beyond. Zaspievali si na ňom trebárs Ray Davies, Lana Del Rey a.. Juliette Lewis. Čarovná žena, totálna psycháčka, vzácny prípad herečkospeváčky, ktorá je v oboch profesiách viac než presvedčivá. Je v nich fatálna. (tuuf pátos). Takto nejako som to vypľula do svetla reflektora a chcela vedieť niečo o nej. Gustaf prikyvuje, áno, to ona je.

A je zaujímavé porovnávať Lanu Del Rey a Juliette Lewis, ktoré sú obe skvelé umelkyne. Lana Del Rey bola absolútne skvelá, keď sme spolu skúšali, ale potom počas šou bola veľmi nervózna. Zatiaľ čo Juliette Lewis bola totálne chaotická počas skúšania, ale na pódiu úplne horela, ten oheň nevychádzal z pódia, ale priamo z nej. Keď nebola zapnutá kamera, bola celkom iný človek. Podľa mňa je to pravá hviezda. Myslím, že je z tých ľudí, ktorý by do desiatich rokov mohli získať Oskara. Chápeš, urobí veľký návrat a zahrá si nejakú starú, bláznivú ženskú.

Mando Diao spomínali v nejakom staršom rozhovore, že do nich v ich rodnom meste Borlänge každý rýpal s tým, že nikdy nič nedokážu. To ma zaujalo. Celkom blízke Slovensku. Pýtam sa teda, prečo mali ich vlastní rodáci takéto debilné poznámky.

Pochádzame z mesta metalu. Povedal by som, že 90 % hudby hrajú muži. Je to hlavne speed metal, death metal, heavy metal. My hráme pop. Máme bližšie ku Christine Aquilere, než k nejakej heavy metalovej kapele ako Iron Maiden a podobne. Keď sme sa stali úspešnými, celý Borlänge bol frutrovaný. Je ľahké byť v tomto meste najlepší, pretože všetky kapely sú tu zlé. Boli sme pekne arogantní, ale mali sme pravdu, boli sme najlepší, pretože nám tu v našom stýle nikto nekonkuroval. Prvé dva-tri roky bolo na nás teda naše mesto naštvané. Po nejakej dobe sa však tento hnev zmenil na hrdosť. Pretože sme hovorili to isté, čo heavy metalové kapely, len iným jazykom. Pochopili, že sme tiež bojovali, že sme pracovali a pracovali tvrdo, aby sme sa dostali tam, kde sme. Predtým si mysleli, že sme všetko dostali na striebornom podnose, pretože sme mali skvelé ohlasy na prvý album a podobne, ale za tým bola tvrdá práca. Uvedomili si to a teraz nás akceptujú.

Improvizácia, poďme. Tvrdá práca – úspech – hnev sa mení na hrdosť. Hrdosť. Na čo je on osobne najviac hrdý?

Pred tromi rokmi boli v kapele nejaké problémy. Rozožierali nás ako rakovina. Čo je prirodzené, keď hráte spolu vyše 10 rokov, vlastne už od tínedžerského veku. V kapele sa proste muži potýkajú s problémami. My sme ich prekonali, bolo to, ako keby sme sa dostali cez nejaký útes a momentálne je to v poriadku. Myslím, že všetky tie pochybnosti a problémy, ktoré sme mali, sme vyriešili  v najlepšom záujme hudby. Možno nie pre všetkých. Vyhodili sme bubeníka,  niektorých ľudí sme zarmútili, ale pre hudbu to bolo nevyhnutné. Na to som naozaj hrdý, že môžeme pokračovať ako kapela ďalej.

Could have been good

The loneliest time of the year is here, so there´s also time for this song.

pondělí 10. prosince 2012

And it was easy said

This blog was little bit in coma last days... so today I was wondering about what to post, what to write about. There are some news that are interesting, especially the one with Sverige tour in January and February. It appeared some new dates, check it out here.
But then...I don´t feel like writing about anything. I probably will continue with doing what I like the most. Posting my personal thoughts about this band. Keep writing my own Ode to Mando Diao even though it won´t be about the latest news and stuff like that. There´s always facebook page for it, I guess.
In this winter snowy day let´s have some sweet sweet love...

středa 21. listopadu 2012

Song for Mando Diao

This song always reminds me how much this band means to me. And how much of what I´m now I owe to them. So here it goes...

středa 14. listopadu 2012

pondělí 12. listopadu 2012

There were sweet memories in the corner of my mind

Today I found this (between my old stuff called "Mando Diao stuff" :) ). I wrote it after the concert in Zitadelle, Berlin. I remember it well. That was a nice feeling :)

neděle 11. listopadu 2012

Ge aldrig upp

This is what Gustaf Norén shared today on his twitter account. Letters saying that Mando Diao demo was quite OK, but this record company has no intention to release them. Good luck, they say. And you see where Mando Diao is now, aren´t you? So... never give up. 

När han ännu var lycklig och ung

Mando in Göteborg, 31. October 2012...

pátek 9. listopadu 2012

That place was everything to me

My friend shared this video on facebook yesterday and I realized that I hadn´t watched it for ages. This Mando Diao is so different from the Mando Diao nowdays... anyway, enjoy their Ochrasy back in time.  

Maybe we can go back and do it over again

Malmö, Folk å Rock, last week....


NEW show announced! Mando Diao in NORWAY next year. Read more here...

N. 1

INFRUSET has become huge success! Mando Diao finally made it in Sweden. Read here

And one special person from Borlänge record shop Folk å Rock as a proof that Infruset is being sell good. 

sobota 3. listopadu 2012


Few days ago Mando Diao played three songs in Malmö record shop called Folk å Rock. The new one was En ung mor. Video to come, photos here.

Children´s magic

Listen to Gustaf Norén and Björn Dixgård talking about Fröding.

Read another interview and watch Sångarsaga played by Gustaf, sung by Björn in red suit. HERE!
And at least watch this (only if you want, of course:-) ). 

čtvrtek 1. listopadu 2012

I Göteborg

Strövtåg i Göteborg

Yesterday was a long day in Göteborg. In Bengans Mando Diao played three songs live: Snigelns Visa, Strövtåg i Hembygden and En Sångarsaga. Then Gustaf, Björn, Mats and CJ were signing some fan stuff. It was a long, awesome day full of Swedish music, full of Infruset.

To be continued...

pondělí 29. října 2012

Gustaf Fröding versus Mando Diao

Yesterday I was cycling under the yellow moon to the cinema in Lund to watch the Mando Diao documentary Gustaf Fröding versus Mando Diao and of course also the concert. It was wonderful. And it was even more wonderful to experience it in Sweden, hearing someone in the audience singing the lyrics of this extraordinary swedish poet. 
Now we can only hope the documentary will be showed on the internet one day. 

Read some impressions under this link (in Swedish).

neděle 28. října 2012

Kärlek och respekt...


Five stars

Howling wolves

There are about thousands interviews with Mando right now, every day appears another one. So I decided to choose just a few...

Mando was in Aftonbladet recently. You can read the articles here and here. You can listen to them talking about Fröding here and also read plus watch interview with Gustaf under this link.

You choose one

Let´s start this day little bit casual... with this photo. 


pátek 26. října 2012


Today on a train to Malmö I found something absolutely wonderful in the newspapers... and then, right in the shop Folk å Rock... Mando Diao will play live and also sign their new album Infruset, next Thursday in Malmö... oh yes. Seems like a dream!!! (then I bought the very same album in the very same shop, even though I thought that this album would be released next week...? ) ♥
What else to say...? Sweden.(PS: Be there!!!)

čtvrtek 25. října 2012

pondělí 22. října 2012

Smile when words are said

Some time ago there was a song called Sweet Jackie by Sugarplum Fairy. Now it´s time for another brother. Mando Diao and Strövtåg i Hembygden the first place on Swedish iTunes.

Människorna som har för mycket känslor i kroppen

If you wish to practise your Swedish or try how Google translator works, read really interesting interview here.

And for those of you who have missed the Tv show Babel yesterday (like me), watch it online here. Mando appears at about 20 minutes, but don´t miss the whole show, it´s worth it! Especially Björn´s choise of book.... (♥ I´ve just started to re-read this book again few weeks ago...)

Anyway, this week is very special. On Sunday there´s that awaited event called Mando på Bio. So if you live in Sweden, Germany or Switzerland you can buy your tickets and see the documentary plus live concert (all Infruset songs included!).

pondělí 15. října 2012

And now a million years has gone

Last year, we had one poll on mandodiao.com. I don´t remember if it asked about the best concert of that year or the best day or maybe just if you could experience something from that year again, what it would be. I can´t tell you precisely, to be honest. But in the very moment when I read that question, I knew the answer. The absolutely best moment of that year was those few days in Stockholm, that Sugarplum Fairy concert in Debaser. I think I didn´t write it there, it felt weird to write about Sugarplum Fairy on Mando Diao homepage, I think I answer something about Peace&Love experience or that unbelievable concert of Mando in Berlin, 2.June. And of course, that was something. 
However the truth is, those few days in Sotckholm on my 25th birthday were something that comes to you only once in a lifetime. That was Magic. It´s been more than a year now and I experienced other moments I would hold in my heart as long as I live, but this Stockholm in May still feels somehow special. Unreal. Weird. 
I went to that restaurant again. To that one where we sat with my friends just few hours before Sugarplum Fairy concert begin. Few weeks ago. I sat there, in autumn Stockholm and I realized it felt like milion years have passed, not just one year. And it was gone. All that magic. It felt like a lie. I wish I could believe in it again. I wish there were miracles out there. And sense. I wish.
The reason why I remember this is this song I found on youtube. And it´s somehow actual now. Buy it on Itunes. It´s called Sweet Jackie. It´s by Sugarplum Fairy. 

I vem?

Probably the most beautiful song right now.


neděle 14. října 2012

Smile you´re on Tv again

Another chance to watch Mando Diao on television. Today, 20.00, SVT 1. OR later, watch the timetable. OR probably via internet under this link. Enjoy!

sobota 13. října 2012


Mando Diao

Some cool new photos HERE!

Jag tror jag är kär

Watch yesterday´s performance here! And also listen to the song and also watch some nice pictures.

The new song is called I Ungdomen. And you can read the lyrics in Swedish here.It´s really wonderful song with wonderful lyrics.

Det glittrar så gnistrande vackert i ån,
det kvittrar så lustigt i furen.
Här ligger jag lat som en bortskämd son
i knät på min moder naturen.
Det sjunger och doftar och lyser och ler
från jorden och himlen och allt jag ser.

Det är, som om vinden ett budskap mig bär
om lyckliga dagar, som randas,
mitt blod är i oro, jag tror jag är kär
- i vem? - ack i allt, som andas.
Jag ville, at himlens och jordens allt
låg tätt vid mitt hjärta i flickgestalt.

pátek 12. října 2012


Right now on STV1 Mando Diao. Not really right now, but pretty soon. On the show called Tillsammans för Världens Barn.

 Photo from rehearsal...

neděle 7. října 2012


Little bit late, but still. One year ago, October tour and the very first concert from this event - Munich on 4th October. The Swedish song played for the first time. And don´t forget the new album will be released SOON! 31. October, to be exact.

sobota 6. října 2012